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Traffic and Road Signs

Traffic and road signs are simple representations of rules that are put in place by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. They provide important information to drivers as well as other road users, and one must adhere to all these rules to ensure a smooth and safe drive. It is important to have a good understanding of road safety signs and traffic signals in order to being safe on the road.

There are so many road and traffic signs, each one having its own purpose. They have been divided into three categories, which are Mandatory, Cautionary and Informatory Signs.

Kindly scroll below to have a detailed understanding of all the road signs following in all 3 categories.

Mandatory Signs

These signs are used to make road users aware of specific laws. Mandatory signs, as the name implies, give orders that must be obeyed to prevent legal action.

  • No Entry

    This sign indicates that it is a no entry or restricted area ahead and no traffic is allowed.
  • One Way

    The way beyond this sign restricts traffic entry.
  • One Way

    This sign indicates that the oncoming traffic entry is restricted.
  • Vehicles prohibited in both directions

    This sign indicates that traffic flow is not allowed in this area.
  • All motor vehicles prohibited

    This sign indicates that no traffic movement is allowed in this area.
  • Truck prohibited

    This sign indicates that the area is a no entry zone for truck and HMV (Heavy Motor Vehicles).
  • Bullock & hand cart prohibited

    This sign indicates that entry of bullock carts and hand carts is not allowed.
  • Bullock cart prohibited

    This sign indicates that entry of bullock carts is not allowed.
  • Tongas prohibited

    This sign indicates that entry of tongas or horse carts is not allowed.
  • Hand cart prohibited

    This sign indicates that entry of hand carts is not allowed.
  • Cycle prohibited

    This sign indicates that entry of cycles is not allowed.
  • Pedestrians prohibited

    This sign indicates that movement of pedestrians is not allowed.
  • Right turn prohibited

    This sign indicates that traffic is not allowed to turn right.
  • Left turn prohibited

    This sign indicates that traffic is not allowed to turn left.
  • U-turn prohibited

    This sign indicates that traffic is not allowed to take a U-turn at this juncture.
  • Overtaking prohibited

    This sign indicates that overtaking or going past another vehicle is not allowed at this point.
  • Horn prohibited

    This sign indicates that it is a silence zone and honking or using horns is strictly not allowed in this area.
  • No parking

    This sign indicates that parking of vehicles is not allowed in this area and that, the vehicles would be towed away if found parked here.
  • Speed limit

    This sign designates the speed of traffic on road, as specified in the sign.
  • No stopping or standing

    This sign indicates that in order to have an obstruction free flow of traffic, no vehicle is allowed to stop or wait in this area.
  • Load limit

    This road sign limits the load of the vehicle, which should ply on the road further.
  • Restriction end sign

    This sign indicates that restrictions imposed by the earlier signs end here and are not meant to be followed from this point on.
  • Compulsory left turn

    This sign indicates that the driver has to take a compulsory left turn due to some diversion etc.
  • Compulsory turn right ahead

    This sign indicates that there is a compulsory right turn ahead and that the driver has to obey it.
  • Compulsory ahead only

    This sign indicates that the traffic has to move straight ahead without turning either left or right.
  • Compulsory ahead or turn right

    This sign indicates that the traffic should either move straight or take a right turn.
  • Compulsory ahead or turn left

    This sign indicates that the traffic should either move straight or take a left turn.
  • Compulsory keep left

    This sign indicates that the driver should drive in a left lane.
  • Compulsory cycle track

    This sign indicates that this lane is meant for cycles only.
  • Compulsory sound horn

    This sign indicates that it is compulsory to blow horn at this point.
  • Stop

    This sign indicates that the driver has to stop or halt here.
  • Give Way

    This sign directs the traffic to give way to the traffic on your right side.

Cautionary Signs

These traffic and road safety signs are used to warn road users about potential dangers or safety hazards on the road. This gives the driver enough time to take the necessary steps and handle emerging situations.

  • Right hand curve

    This sign cautions you about a right hand curve on the road ahead.
  • Left Hand Curve

    This sign cautions you about a left hand curve on the road ahead.
  • Right Hair Pin Bend

    This sign cautions you about a sharp right turn on the road ahead.
  • Left Hair Pin Bend

    This sign cautions you about a sharp left turn on the road ahead.
  • Right Reverse Bend

    This sign cautions the driver about the zigzag turn towrds right.
  • Left Reverse Bend

    This sign cautions the driver about the zigzag turn towrds left.
  • Steep ascent

    This sign indicates that there is a steep ascent ahead.
  • Steep descent

    This sign indicates that there is a steep descent ahead.
  • Narrow road ahead

    This sign cautions the driver to be careful as the road ahead is going to be narrow.
  • Road widens ahead

    This sign indicates that the road ahead widens, hence the driver should adjust accordingly.
  • Narrow bridge

    This sign indicates that the road ahead converges to a bridge which is of less width than the road.
  • Slippery road

    This sign indicates the slippery condition of the road ahead.
  • Cycle crossing

    This sign indicates that there is a cycle path intersecting ahead.
  • Pedestrian crossing

    This sign indicates that there is a pedestrian crossing ahead. These are also called zebra crossing.
  • School ahead

    This sign indicates that there is a school ahead/nearby.
  • Men at work

    This sign indicates that there is some repair/cleaning work etc. being undertaken on the road.
  • Cattle

    This sign indicates that there is a possibility of cattle straying on the road.
  • Falling rocks

    This sign indicates that road ahead is prone to falling rocks, especially in hilly areas.
  • Ferry

    This sign indicates that there is a ferry service ahead to cross the river.
  • Cross road

    This sign indicates that there is a crossing of roads ahead.
  • Gap in median

    This sign indicates that there is a gap in the divider of the road.
  • Side road right

    This sign indicates that there is a right side turn on the road in addition to straight movement of the road.
  • Y–intersections

    This sign depicts the actual formation of road ahead.
  • Y–intersections

    This sign depicts the actual formation of road ahead.
  • Y–intersections

    This sign depicts the actual formation of road ahead.
  • Staggered intersection

    These signs indicates that there is a left and right turns available on the straight road.
  • Staggered intersection

    These signs indicates that there is a left and right turns available on the straight road.
  • Side road left

    This sign indicates that there is a left side turn on the road.
  • T–intersection

    This sign indicates that straight ahead the traffic has to either turn left or right.
  • Major road ahead

    This sign is erected on arterial roads before it crosses a major road.
  • Roundabout

    This sign indicates that there is a roundabout ahead which is a substitute for intersection.
  • Dangerous dip

    This sign cautious the drivers that there is a dip ahead on the road.
  • Hump or rough road

    This sign indicates that there is a hump on the road ahead.
  • Barrier ahead

    This sign indicates that there is a toll collection point etc. ahead.
  • Loose gravel

    This sign indicate that lose earth or gravel keeps falling on the road.
  • Speedbreaker

    This sign indicates that there is a speedbreaker on the road ahead.

Informatory Signs

Informatory road signs are used to provide important information. These signs are meant to provide information on direction, destination, roadside facilities, etc. to the road user. Following informative road signs helps a driver in saving time, reaching destination without wandering around. These signs are generally facilitators to the driver.

  • Public Telephone

    This sign indicates the availability of Telephone near road.
  • Petrol Pump

    This informatory sign indicates that there is a Petrol Pump ahead.
  • Hospital

    This sign indicates that there is Hospital nearby.
  • Eating Place

    This sign indicates that there is an eating-place in the vicinity.
  • First Aid Post

    This sign shows that there is a First Aid facility nearby which is very useful in case of emergency or accidents.
  • Light Refreshment

    This sign indicates there is facility of Light refreshment nearby on the road.
  • Resting Place

    This sign is erected near motel, lodge or any other facility for resting on the road.
  • No Thorough Road

    This sign is erected at the entry of such roads from which no exit is available.
  • No Thorough Side Road

    This sign indicates that there is no through side road avialbale on the main road.
  • Park this Side

    This sign is erected at destination telling exactly where to park your vehicles.
  • Parking Both sides

    This sign is erected at destination telling exactly where to park your vehicles. This sign indicates that vehicles can be parked on both sides.
  • Parking Scooters & Motorcycles

    This sign is erected at destination, which is meant for parking of scooters and motorcycles.
  • Parking Lot Cycles

    This particular sign indicates that this parking is meant for cycles.
  • Taxi Stand

    This sign is erected at destination which is meant for parking taxis only.
  • Auto Rickshaw Stand

    This sign is erected at destination, which is meant for parking Auto rickshaws.
  • Cycle Rickshaw Stand

    This sign is erected at destination, which is meant for parking Cycle rickshaws.
  • Flood Gauge

    This sign is erected on highways/roads near river, canal, lake etc. This sign indicates the level of water. It also cautions the danger level of the water.
  • Destination Sign

    This sign indicates the direction and distance to various destinations falling on that particular road. These signs are generally installed before intersections.
  • Direction Sign

    This sign shows the direction and distance of the destination/place written on it.