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5 Car Driving Tips That Make You a Better Driver

There’s no age for learning, and the scope of learning is always infinite.

When it comes to driving a car, there are certain driving tips for beginners that work equally well for experienced drivers. In order to drive safely and responsibly, it is imperative that you follow the best driving practices – it is beneficial for you, other drivers around you, and the pedestrians on the road. No matter how seasoned a driver you are, there is always some room for improvement. Here are some simple yet important car driving tips that will help make you a better driver: -

1. It all starts with the right seating position

This is one of the most important driving tips that many people, especially beginners, tend to completely ignore. It is extremely important that you position your seat in such a way that you can comfortably operate the pedals, the gear lever, and the steering. At the same time, the seat must be angled in a manner wherein your thighs or back do not get strained.

2. Hold the steering wheel the correct way

There is a science behind holding a steering wheel correctly. But, let’s just talk about the thumb rule here. The thumb rule is to hold the steering wheel by placing your hands on 10 and 2 o’clock positions (like in a clock).

3. Use the horns and turn indicators correctly

Horns and indicators are the two sources of communication that you have with the drivers around you at the time of driving. Both of these must be used liberally and smartly whenever required. Generally, horns are meant to be used for alerting the other cars about your presence.

*A lot of people have the habit of honking the horn profusely at signals or slow-moving traffic to communicate to the car drivers ahead to move faster. It is a wrong practice which should be avoided.*

When you are turning, make sure you use the turn indicators. Even at the time of changing lanes, make sure to use your indicators in the direction of the lane you are moving into. This is one of the most important car driving tips for beginners as well as people who have been driving for years.

4. Do not tailgate

While driving in traffic or on the highways, maintain a safe distance from the car in front. But step out and you’ll see that the ground reality is different.

In order to become a better driver, one of the crucial things to follow is to never tailgate. If you closely follow the vehicle in front of you, it decreases your reaction time as well as the space available for manoeuvring, thereby increasing the risk of a collision (which was very well avoidable in the first place).

Let the change begin with you. That's because this is a car driving tip that’ll keep you in good stead.

5. Do not panic

Driving stress-free is the key to driving better. Concentrate on your manoeuvres at all times when you are behind the steering wheel. Driving with stress can hamper your ability and may result in a mishap.

If you are someone who has a driving test coming up, then one of the best driving test tips to follow is to stay relaxed in order to drive well and stay safe.

Learner or experienced, these car driving tips will surely help you get better at it.


Top 10 Road Safety Tips You Should Know

Safety must come first on your list when driving, be it for yourself and the passengers, pedestrians or other drivers. Think of it as a two-pronged effort – better driving practices and following safety tips while on the road. When you make the smart choice of driving safely, you need to follow specific precautions as well as take certain measures. This applies to both beginner and experienced drivers.

Let’s discuss the top 10 road safety tips that everyone must know to ensure safety while driving: -

1. Stay focused

It is essential to focus on driving when you are behind the steering wheel. Refrain from using your smartphone, tablet or any other electronic device. Distracted driving is a major cause of minor and major accidents. Do your utmost to avoid it.

2. Do not drive in a bad mood

Negative emotions can adversely affect your concentration on the road. This may include over-speeding, overtaking from the wrong side or being inattentive to the vehicles behind. More than anything else, you are jeopardizing your safety while driving by doing such things.

If you are not in a good mood, stop the car in the waiting lane and take a break. Listen to your favourite songs or just call up a friend.

3. Stop on Red

This is one of the most essential road safety tips. Regardless of how much of a hurry you are in, stop when the traffic light is red. Jumping it is not only a traffic offence; it also puts you at unnecessary risk.

4. Don’t drink and drive

Even a small amount of alcohol can impair your driving and put you at great risk. So, don’t drink and drive. It is one of the most important safety tips to follow while driving.

5. Take a break

When you are heading out for a long journey, make sure to plan stopovers every two hours; it is a simple road safety tip that makes a lot of sense during road trips. The last thing you want to do is being tired while driving – it clouds your judgement of the traffic ahead and increases your reaction time, neither of which is a good thing.

6. Make adjustments

In weather conditions such as rain, snow or fog, one must take extra precautions to ensure safety while driving and follow the necessary guidelines to stay safe in a specific situation you are faced with.

For instance, if it is snowing or raining in the area where you are driving, turn on your fog lights to let the other drivers know of your presence on the road. At the same time, keep you speed lower than usual while also keeping ample distance from the car in front of you; doing that will allow you to brake safely.

7. Know where you are going

Plan your travel route well in advance so that you do not struggle in figuring out where you need to go when driving. That is why it is always recommended to use the navigation to be doubly sure. If you are taking a route where internet connectivity might be an issue, download offline maps to be on the safer side. A simple yet extremely effective road safety tip, we tell you.

8. Look ahead

This is another road safety precaution that you must know. Look past the car in front to anticipate if you need to switch lanes or slow down. Doing so helps you to avoid traffic build-ups, debris and potholes.

9. Buckle up

There is no argument for not wearing a seatbelt. Not wearing it compromises your safety and is a traffic offence. Remember, safety has to start the moment you sit inside the car, and it all begins with having your seatbelt on.

10. Be patient

This is a very sensible safety tip to follow while driving. Several accidents are caused by impatient drivers just rushing to reach their destination. When you exhibit patience while driving, you ensure the safety of everyone on the road, including yourself.

Following these safety precautions on the road is simple. Make it a point to do it diligently.

Drive Well. Drive Safe.

Why theory is as important as practical to learn driving?

In order to be a good driver, one must always equip oneself with all the theory lessons while learning to drive. And one of the best ways to do it is by enrolling in a driving school. Tangible benefits for an educated driver include saving close to 12% of fuel related expenses and 60% when it comes to safety related faults.

A good driving school will make sure that the participants are equipped to handle emergencies, use first aid, react correctly for situations emerging on roads like road rage incidents, aware of the symbols lighting up on the car’s instrument cluster, and honouring the rights of others on the road.

Here are some of the most crucial aspects that highlight the importance of theory lessons while learning to drive.


Theory lessons often include all those aspects of owning and driving a car that can only be learnt through classroom input. A good driving school appoints experts to teach the theory lessons. These experts communicate effectively and give attention to each participant. The practical lessons learnt from the driving-coach need to be backed with theoretical knowledge if you want to be a confident driver. At Maruti Suzuki Driving School, we ensure that our instructors are focused on helping the learners develop the skills required to drive safely and confidently.


A carefully designed curriculum of a driving school covers a wide range of topics. A lot of these topics are about the inner workings of a vehicle that includes technical details of how a car functions. Some of the most crucial aspects of theory input are identifying the traffic rules and all the important signs, symbols, indications, map-legends/keys and several other nuances which are not always present at one-go during the practical lessons on the road.

Theory lessons in a driving school also focus on several legal aspects. A participant is made aware of the process of registration of a vehicle, obtaining a driver's license, traffic rules, parking rules, towing rules, suspension of driver's license, drunken driving, rash and negligent driving and most importantly the penalties for traffic offences. Trainees are also educated on different types of insurance covers available, their pro and cons, and the procedure to be followed for claim processing.


Safe roads are the hallmark of a civilized society. Our love for driving is always tested on the touchstone of traffic rules. A good driver diligently follows traffic rules to ensure safety. Maruti Suzuki Driving School emphasizes the importance of safe driving by not only teaching the theory lessons but also exposing the learners to simulators. Theory input shows the details of the safety features of a car and how to use those features. We share the road with every other driver, therefore, it is mandatory to learn the rules of safe driving


Theory lessons introduce the learner to the structure of a car including all of its important components. This knowledge is necessary in order to drive confidently. These lessons are interesting and helpful. Learners are taught about the most important aspects of a car engine, chassis, crank linkage, fuel supply system, cooling mechanism, lubrication, ignition, starting line, clutch, brake system, gears, battery etc. Experts often show the link between the structure of a car and the rules of driving. For instance, an expert driver can reduce gearbox repairs by up to 40%. Learners are encouraged to apply the theory to their driving sessions on the road. This process helps build confidence through awareness of traffic rules and safe driving skills.


We must always remember that the right to drive can only be enjoyed if we are responsible drivers. The responsibilities of a driver are learnt in detail through theory lessons. These rights and responsibilities are codified in the form of important laws such as the Rules of Road Regulations and Motor Vehicles Act. These codes prescribe punishments for violation of the rules.

It is our sincere endeavour to create confident drivers who believe in safe driving. We have designed a Learner's Course which spans 21 hours, including 10 hours of practical and 11 hours of theory input. Our carefully designed theory lessons ensure that the driver not only has excellent driving skills but also sound knowledge of theory.


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